Enhancing Workplace Communication with Microsoft 365: Top Features and Best Practices

Ever had one of those days at work where your email is overflowing, your team is scattered across different time zones, and you have a project deadline creeping up on you? Yeah, we’ve all been there. Now, imagine a world where your communication and collaboration tools are all in one place, making your workday a whole lot smoother. That’s where Microsoft 365 comes in. This platform is more than just a collection of familiar tools like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It’s a game-changer for workplace communication. 

With features like Teams, SharePoint, and Planner, Microsoft 365 has the potential to revolutionise how we work together and communicate. Whether your team is down the hall or halfway across the world, getting everyone on the same page has never been so effortless. But how do you make the most out of these features? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to dive into the top features of Microsoft 365 and share some best practices that can help you enhance workplace communication.


Top Microsoft 365 Communication Tools: Features and Benefits

Let’s delve into the key Microsoft 365 communication tools and explore their standout features, which make them invaluable assets for businesses looking to boost workplace communication.

  1. Microsoft Teams: Collaboration Hub and Messaging

Microsoft Teams serves as the central hub for communication and collaboration in Microsoft 365. It combines chat, audio and video calls, file sharing, and workflow integration, enabling seamless teamwork within your organisation. Some noteworthy features of Microsoft Teams include:

  • Channel-based collaboration: Organise team conversations into channels, allowing for focused discussions around specific topics or projects.
  • Audio and video calls: Facilitate instant communication via one-on-one or group conferences, with screen-sharing capabilities.
  • File sharing and collaboration: Share and co-edit files directly within Teams, thanks to integration with Microsoft applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • App and workflow integration: Streamline team workflows by integrating Teams with various Microsoft and third-party applications, such as Planner, Trello, or Adobe Creative Cloud.
  1. Outlook: Unified Email and Calendar Platform

Microsoft Outlook is a long-standing and trusted email and calendar platform, which integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft 365 tools. Key features of Outlook include:

  • Unified inbox and calendar: Consolidate your email accounts and calendars in one location, helping you stay organised and focus on what’s most important.
  • Email categorisation and filtering: Automatically categorise and filter emails based on their attributes, such as priority, sender, or message content, ensuring you never miss an important update.
  • Focused Inbox and @mentions: Surface critical emails in the Focused Inbox and bring specific messages to the attention of others using @mentions.
  • Calendar sharing and scheduling assistant: Share calendars across your organisation and use the scheduling assistant to find the optimal time for meetings, based on everyone’s availability.

  1. Yammer: Enterprise Social Networking

Yammer acts as a social network for your organisation, enabling employees to connect, share ideas, and stay updated on company news and announcements. Yammer can play a vital role in fostering employee engagement and preserving company culture. Its primary features include:

  • Interest-based communities: Create and join communities based on specific topics or interests, promoting knowledge sharing and cross-functional collaboration.
  • Live events and polls: Host live events, such as webinars or town hall meetings, and gather feedback from employees through polls.
  • Announcements and targeted messaging: Communicate company-wide or targeted announcements to specific departments or groups, ensuring important updates reach the right audience.
  • File sharing and integration: Share and co-edit files within your Yammer communities, with seamless integration into other Microsoft 365 tools.

Best Practices for Implementing Microsoft 365 Communication Tools

To make the most of Microsoft 365 communication tools within your organisation, consider adopting the following best practices:

  1. Establish clear communication guidelines: Set expectations on when to use specific tools, such as Teams for team-specific communication, Outlook for formal email communication, and Yammer for broader discussions.
  2. Optimise tool configurations: Customise the communication tools to suit your organisation’s needs, such as setting up notifications, permissions, and channel structures in Microsoft Teams.
  3. Provide training and support: Offer training and onboarding materials to employees, ensuring they have the knowledge and confidence to use the tools effectively.
  4. Encourage adoption and lead by example: Promote the benefits of the communication tools to employees and set an example by actively using the tools in your own daily workflows.

Leveraging Microsoft 365 Communication Tools for Enhanced Teamwork, Engagement, and Decision-Making

With Microsoft 365 communication tools at your disposal, your organisation can unlock tangible benefits in terms of teamwork, employee engagement, and decision-making. Here are some concrete examples:

  • Drive cross-functional collaboration: Use Microsoft Teams channels to bring together employees from different departments to collaborate on projects or initiatives, sparking creative problem-solving and fostering a more connected organisation.
  • Promote employee recognition and celebrate successes: Use Yammer to spotlight standout employees and recognise their achievements publicly, boosting morale and engagement.
  • Accelerate decision-making: Leverage features like chat and video calls in Microsoft Teams to discuss important topics and make decisions quickly, bypassing lengthy email exchanges.

Enhance Workplace Communication with Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 communication tools offer businesses a powerful means of enhancing their workplace communication, collaboration, and productivity in today’s distributed work environments. By understanding the top features of these tools and adopting the best practices for implementation, your organisation can unlock the full potential of its workforce, fostering a cohesive and high-performing team poised for success.

Ready to transform your organisation’s communication with Microsoft 365 tools? Contact Influential Software Services today to discuss how our expert team can guide you through the implementation process, ensuring a tailored and successful solution that meets your specific needs.